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Re-Right Your Story

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A 6-month transformational immersion to rewire your nervous system, embody your secure power, and reclaim your destiny

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ready  to...

Are you 

Reprogram your subconscious mind, and heal your central nervous system?


Identify your personal method of self sabotage, and unbridle yourself from its hold?


Transform your limiting beliefs, and embody your secure power

once and for all?

You CAN rewrite your story and reprogram your subconscious mind. 

By building an intimate relationship of understanding, and deep listening with your nervous system your body can become your compass, and your primary source of connection, and security.


The answers are already within you.


As your guide through this transformational process I will be facilitating new ways of relating to and processing trauma through your nervous system. This will support you in alchemizing your pain into healing potential.


The methods you will learn from this 13 week, one-on-one intensive are the skills that saved my life after enduring significant trauma and loss.  The techniques and practices you will receive in the intensive are a blend of my extensive training in somatic healinginternal family systems, and transformational coaching and are designed to serve you long after you complete the intensive.



Image by Andrew Neel

Do  you  want  to  stop  feeling...

  • burdened by unwanted reactions or triggers


  • stuck in a cycle of survival mode with coping mechanisms that are no longer serving you


  • held back by past traumas that keep you from living in your full power


and  start  feeling...

  • Sovereign in your own knowing, and secure in your authentic self


  • Confident using the skills you need to make your healing sustainable in the long term. 


  • Clear in your understanding of when you self sabotage and how to break the cycle 


  • supported through the process by an informed and empatheti​professional

Image by Kalen Emsley


Feeling at home, secure, and embodied in your most authentic expression, with self-love and self-trust as your permanent companions. Become your own primary source of love, safety, and belonging, and unbridle yourself from the need to rely on other people to validate your reality or “approve” of your truth.

Recognizing your needs, wants, and boundaries and unapologetically claim the life and relationships you’ve always wanted. Embody your essence, awaken your aliveness, and unlock the quality in which you relate to yourself, others, and the world at large.

Unearthing the True North of where your soul is calling you. Break free from the shackles of mediocrity and say goodbye to the belief systems that are no longer serving you. Reclaim the dream’s of the youngest and oldest versions of yourSELF, and become the living embodiment of what you VALUE.

Knowing intimately with unwavering compassion, your core wound, and core protection. Have the tools and experience in hand, to transform your nervous system and RE-RIGHT the stories of your subconscious mind, for the rest of your life. Freeing you from self sabotage with a felt sense.

Transmute the ancestral burdens that have conditioned your family system, generation after generation. Embody your ancestral gifts and heal past, present, and future through your bones. Re-Right The Story of Your Blood Line for your children, grandchildren, and future generations. As within, so without.

Receiving highly specialized 1:1 customized support tailored to your unique needs and have everything in place to help your body feel safe enough, to rise out of self sabotage and into sovereignty. Together, we will pave the way for new neural pathways to form throughout your brain, body, and attachment system. Empowering you to be different without having to “think” to be different.

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with expert guidance + accountability

Go Further On Your Path To Healing

What is within the Intensive?

During our six months together we will utilize a combination of somatic & trauma attachment work to begin to take control over your personal narrative.


Together we will explore your core beliefs, examine your nervous system, and excavate your survival strategies so that you can reverse engineer from the inside out.


You will leave this program with the ability to identify and

break the cycles

that have held you back.



Image by Sebastian Unrau



The paradigms form the recipe for our time together. This recipe is tailored to and brought to life by you and your unique experience. While I provide all of the tools, exercises, and accountability...


Your system will lead the way.


As we explore each new paradigm, a key will unlock different parts of your personal narrative and allow you to reverse engineer your way to your true power.


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What do we explore?

Month 1: Setting Up The Grid

  • Receive the 8 paradigms of transformational healing and secure attachment to support and guide you through the immersion.


  • Identify through deep listening the goals and intentions you’re ready to reclaim and discover the motivating factor behind what is calling you to transform life at this time.


  • Create the personal mission statement that will mentor you through the immersion and start to deeply align with your higher purpose.


  • Create a safe environment to repair and rewire your central nervous system and start to put proper support in place to heal from the inside out.

Month 2: Transform Your Survival programs

  • Identify your specific method of self sabotage and subconscious survival style with internal family systems, somatic healing, and transformational coaching.

  • Make what is subconscious, conscious and start to understand how you self sabotage and why.

  • Heal, release and integrate your survival system and move from fragmentation to integration.

Month 3: Release, Heal, and Integrate Your Core Wound

  • Compassionately uncover your core wound and learn how to reprogram, rewire, and transform with love, its old story.

  • Experience the profound healing of internal family systems and somatic trauma and attachment therapy.

Month 4: Embody Your Secure Power

  • Revisit your initial goals and statement. Refine as needed.

  • Learn the “bottom up” and “top down” therapeutic practices for long term reprogramming.

  • Embody the Rights of Your New Story.

  • Anchor into your secure power and further identify your most authentic expression and feel safe enough in your body to own it!

Month 5: Release Legacy Burdens and Reclaim Ancestral Gift

  • Identify the unspoken conditions of love, safety, and belonging in your family system and unveil where in your life you are still subconsciously operating underneath these conditions and contracts.


  • Embody authentic alignment and honorably release old burdens that are no longer serving you, and relapse your self sabotage.


  • Activate the gifts of your blood line and align with the frequency of your healing antidote.

Month 6: Re-Right Your Secure Power Into Your Nervous System and Embody Your Values

  • Open and expand your capacity to receive safety, joy and pleasure.


  • Embody your values and start to feel at ease in your own skin. Discover what becomes available to you when you are led by soul and released from programming.


  • Step into your medicine, activate your authentic & ancestral gifts, and enjoy the truth of your new story.

What is our timeline?

This is not a transformation that takes place overnight. This immersion takes place over the course of 6 months, but...


You set the pace of your healing. 


The work that we do together will reprogram your central nervous system - it is not a process to be rushed and YOU know the best pace for your body.


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"Laleña helped me to heal past traumas that I had throughout my life in weeks vs the years I had spent in talk therapy. She helped me to see the wise woman within me and love myself like I never have before. She has given me tools that will help me navigate for years to come. 


Laleña has a calm and gentle nature and creates a safe place where I feel cared for, encouraged, seen and heard. The intensive was the best gift I have ever given myself. I am beyond grateful for the care and service she provided me." 


- Accountant and Mother, Colorado Springs

Image by Jonatan Pie

closer look?

Want to take a 

Discover all of the details for the Re-Right Your Story immersion in my program guide. Inside you'll find the core themes we will explore, session types, bonuses, investment, and scholarship opportunities.


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Program Details

The Rewrite Your Story and Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Trauma Intensive is a 6-month, private 1:1 immersion.


Here is what's included:



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13 x 60 minute 1:1 deep dive somatic trauma and attachment/ internal family systems sessions

  • Repair your central nervous system and release fight, flight, freeze & fawn


  • Identify your survival programing and specific method of self sabotage


  • Heal the cause versus the symptom for long lasting change


  • Re-Right, reprogram, rewire and repattern your subconscious out of surviviving and into thriving

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9 x 60 minute master transformational private coaching sessions

  • Receive the repair and reprogramming recipe to somatic healing


  • Gain confidence in your self understanding, and Re-Right your beliefs, identity, and behaviors


  • Actions steps and accountability for long lasting change

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Worksheets & Practices

My goal for you during this immersion is to leave you feeling confident that you hold the key to your own healing.


The work that we do during our sessions will be complimented by weekly practices and worksheets that you will work on between sessions.


Each week you will be spending time with the topics and techniques that we've explored during our session and going even deeper into the concepts we've explored.

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Unlimited Voxer (voice messaging app) support in between sessions during the immersion.

  • Ask your questions and receive direct support in between our sessions.

Learn more about other program bonuses + pricing in the full program guide.

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