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Meet Laleña

Hi! I'm Laleña Wolf, I am a somatic trauma and attachment therapist, trauma informed practitioner, master transformational trauma coach, and protectress of the secure and empowered feminine and masculine.

It is my mission to empower human beings to transform their pain into true power by embarking upon the path of embodiment. I guide folks out of the survival states of the wounded masculine and feminine and into empowered and awakened states of the secure masculine and feminine. 

In order to endure trauma whether it be intergenerational or childhood trauma, we often become disembodied in order to survive. Disembodiment requires our own self-abandonment and disconnection from the authentic self. This fragmentation leaves survivors with a loss of self, and results in a lack of self-love (wounded feminine) and a lack of self-trust (wounded masculine).


My job is to give you the tools to resurrect what has been lost and release internalized pain or shame that never belonged to you, but has been passed down generation after generation. 


As a survivor myself I know from my past what it is like for the nervous system to be stuck in a perpetual state of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. And for talk therapy and top down approach's to be absent of the relief and repair my emotional world and body was aching for.

It is my mission to provide to the world what was missing in my healing journey for the first decade, so you too can move out of wounded survival states and into your true power once and for all. Your body knows how to transform your pain into true power and I am here to create the safety necessary for you to embark upon this courageous journey of a life time. 


I am a forever student and I derive profound meaning and purpose from my work and I am always expanding my skill set. Trauma is complex and impacts every part of us; emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally, and spiritually.

Therefore, transformational healing requires my consistent courtship on all the levels.

I am human being just like you and I prioritize my own growth and healing to ensure I am showing up as a sacred mirror that can reflect back to you, your own personal power. 

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Education & Experience

  • Shambava School of Yoga Certification, CYI 2009

  • Integrative Massage Therapist License, MT 2013

  • Somatic Trauma Resolution Certification, STR 2015

  • Trauma Informed Practitioner Certification, TIP 2015

  • Dynamic Somatic Attachment Repatterning Experience and Certification, DaRE 2018

  • Master Transformational Coach Certification, TCM 2019

  • Health and Life Coach Certification, CHC 2019

  • Extensive study on Neuroscience with Joe Dispenza and beyond.

  • Extensive study on Feminine and Masculine essence with Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Alison Armstrong, David Deida, Shannon Port, Anya Grace, and many more.

Get To Know


  • I believe that what you want, wants you.

  • I am entirely to comfortable with curse words and I LOVE creating the safety necessary for my clients to do "the work" in a way they have never done before.

  • I believe that learning how to safely release "negative" emotion and embodying the change we wish to see in the world is the key to healing our bodies and our planet.

  • I believe that self love and self trust is born out of embodiment.

  • I am a protectress of the return of the secure feminine and masculine.

  • Somatic therapy and transformational coaching has empowered me to overcome my trauma history and is where the rubber hit the road on my healing journey. Saving me literally thousands of dollars and several years of my life. 

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"Laleña is an excellent, dynamic, highly educated Somatic therapist. Her presence unlike any other, is phenomenal in the realms of creating a reliable and steady container of safety. Through the many changes, stages and challenges of my life, Lalena has been available meet me in ways that have helped me remember my core of resilience. I walk from my sessions with a restored faith and trust that I find essential to any form of healing".

Kaiya,  Massage Therapist 

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Are You  

Please feel free to schedule a free 15 minutes consultation to see if the somatic approach to healing is what you've been waiting for!


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635 Southpointe Ct.
Suite 210
Colorado Springs CO 80906


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©Somatic Healing LLC 2021-2024
Website Design by Ashley Dedin

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